Why is so important Google Ads for your business success?

marketing google ads

Get to know the reasons why you need Google Ads for your business. Key-points and metrics to achieve your success.

     1. Scope and Market Share

Every time you use Google browser, you will see ads in the first positions; or you will see them also as images while navigating through the web or YouTube. You are constantly exposed to online advertising.

If we talk about data, we can say that in 2020, Google Chrome surpassed 70% of the market share, its record, and everything indicates that in a few years it could increase up to 90%. This added to YouTube´s reach, which already exceeds TV in audience of people between 18-35 years old, makes Google a monopoly of online advertising.

     2. Potential and Versatility

Advertising your business is essential if you are starting up, you can also make your business grow and ensure that it is maintained. To grow your client’s portfolio, they need to know about you.

In any case, it is not necessary to have an online business, as you could also see results to your local physical store, since Google ads has very different opportunities:

  • Increase the numbers of phone calls.
  • Increase sales.
  • Direct customers to your local store.
  • Redirect clients to your website or to fill a form online.
  • Navigate potential clients to your website -or subscribers- on your YouTube Channel.
  • Increase the apps downloaded.
  • Increase the number of views (or subscribers) in your YouTube Channel.

Find out who interacts with your website and through which ads or campaigns. How many people see your ads, the % of interested people, who has clicked on your phone number, among many other data.

     3. Spend only what you want to spend

We establish a monthly budget and you will not spend more than what you have decided: it’s that simple. Because nobody likes the unforeseen or surprises when talking about budgets.

     4. Clear results

You can find out who enters your website and through which ads or campaigns. How many people see your ad, the% of interested people, who has clicked on your phone number, and many other data.

    5. Your competitors are using it already

The visibility of a business is vital. It also happens in local establishments: it is always more expensive to rent a place in the heart of the city than in the outskirts. If you are starting your business, want to expand or maintain it, you need to increase the visibility of the brand and reach your customers and convince them.

Also, if your competitors are already using Google Ads -and most likely they are-, they are playing with an advantage. Imagine you have a restaurant and a tourist searches on Google: restaurants nearby. If your main competitor is using Google Ads, it is very likely that it will be the first thing the potential customer sees. If the web is beautiful and the site looks nice, it won’t take much more to convince him… Even if you know that you can offer something better. The first one wins.

For all these reasons, it is also important that this service is performed by experienced professionals. Google Ads uses complex algorithms that require study and optimization. It is relatively easy to access the platform and activate campaigns or watch tutorials; but it is not achieving effective results that vary according to each type of business, location and budget.

If we still haven’t convinced you, click the button below and schedule a free first consultation with Optiscore Network!


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